Established in 2018 by Monkeyboys, Advancius Network is a Minecraft server that is dedicated to providing the best experience to all players!
Our goal is to continue growing our amazing community, expanding our dedicated staff team, and making continuous changes to make sure the Advancius Network is always at its best.
What sets the Advancius Network apart from other Minecraft servers is that players can earn Free Ranks by playing games within the network, earning in-game currency, and more!
Advancius Network Game modes
The Advancius Network offers a ton of game modes available to play within the Network, like Skyblock, Factions, Heroes, and Prison. If you would like more information about each game mode on the Advancius Network, please visit this link: modes Advancius Network Game modes
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Advancius Network Ranks
Ranks are products that people can earn or buy on the Advancius Network server. Once you have your rank either earned by accumulating enough of our in-game currency, donating, or by being accepted for a staff position, you can access exclusive features with each rank. If you would like more information about the perks for each rank, please visit this link:Advancius Ranks for donator ranks or Rankpoints levels for earnable ranks.
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