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What is Prisons?


In Prisons, you and other inmates are stuck with a terrible job of mining but it might give you a chance to escape! In order to do that, you are going to need to mine a lot and earn gains which can be sold for money. When you get enough money, you can rankup and eventually break out with some of your friends.


General Commands:


● /kits to open the kits menu.


● /balance to see your balance.


● /shop to open the shop menu.


● /crates to teleport to the crates area.


● /sellall to sell your items for money.


● /prices to view ore prices.


● /multi to view current multipliers.


● /warps to see all warps.


Rankup Commands:


● /prices to view a list of item prices.


● /prankup to rank up your Prison rank.


● /pranks to view a menu of Prison ranks.


● /pprestige to rank up your Prison rank.


● /pprestiges to view a menu of Prison prestiges.


● /prebirth to rank up your Prison rank.


● /prebirths to view a menu of Prison rebirths.


● /ptopprestiges to view the top player prestiges.


● /ptoprebirths to view the top player rebirths


Claiming Commands:


● /plot auto to claim the nearest plot.


● /plots help to view more help on plots.




● /gangs to view gang commands.




● Prison has many custom enchants that are available to purchase in the shop.


● /enchantments to see the custom enchantment descriptions.


Claiming Commands:


● /plot auto to claim the nearest plot.


● /plots help to view more help on plots.


Upgrade Tokens:


● Get upgrade tokens by opening crates or mining!


● Spend tokens to upgrade your pickaxe!


● Dying will remove 100 upgrade tokens from your balance!


● /enchant refund to get 50% of a refund on any enchant.




● Tokens: Tokens can be gotten in crates at /crates, mined crates from mining, token miner, ranking up your mine, and converting xp to tokens in /enchant.


● Enchanting: You can enchant with /enchant and refund your enchants with /enchant refund.


● Trash: You can get rid of any unneeded items or trash with /trash! Note that you cannot get any items back once doing this.


● Chests: Chests as well as any other items to store items are disabled to prevent exploitation.


● Pay: All forms of paying are disabled to prevent exploitation.